squad search for: alanon |
no matches |
squad owner search for: alanon |
Rank By: |
Rating |
Wins |
Losses |
Average |
Flag Points |
Kill Points |
Total Points |
Rank* |
2689 |
318 |
299 |
352 |
58652 |
112217 |
170869 |
#6 |
1631 |
49 |
43 |
16 |
10016 |
24245 |
34261 |
#18 |
181 |
3 |
0 |
612 |
0 |
1838 |
1838 |
#52 |
1855 |
119 |
77 |
121 |
17200 |
40197 |
57397 |
#5 |
61 |
2 |
1 |
306 |
1200 |
613 |
1813 |
#19 |
146 |
6 |
4 |
255 |
200 |
1530 |
1730 |
#43 |
1818 |
139 |
173 |
292 |
29636 |
43794 |
73430 |
#2 |
* Overall rank (the first line displayed with no ship icon) shows this players rank between all other players overall stats. Other ranks are ship-specific and gives the rank of the player between all other players in that same ship only.
wildcard squad search *alanon* matches: no matches
wildcard player search *alanon* matches: alanon