SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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Public Statistics - Player Profile  
Scorereset Period:
Player/Squad Search:

squad search for: YPRunks
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Squad: croco YPRunks
Online Status: OFFLINE
Created: Jan. 30, 2018 18:53 [SSC biller time]
Last Seen: Oct. 8, 2024 21:12 [CDT/CST]
Usage: 3178h 46m
Resolution: 1512x982
Location: United States [GMT-4]
Achievements: 18th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Overall: Most Totalpoints  (1282041 pts.)
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (834968 pts.)
17th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Terrier: Highest Rating  (905)
09th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Javelin: Highest Average  (618)
07th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Warbird: Most Wins  (1849 wins)
- Warbird: Most Flagpoints  (293553 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (630982 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (924535 pts.)
04th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Shark: Highest Rating  (697)
03rd Scorereset period of 2024:
- Lancaster: Highest Rating  (1117)
24th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Terrier: Highest Rating  (603)
23rd Scorereset period of 2023:
- Weasel: Highest Rating  (886)
22nd Scorereset period of 2023:
- Weasel: Highest Rating  (477)
19th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Warbird: Most Wins  (1937 wins)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (947205 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (659451 pts.)
17th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (1071976 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Wins  (2206 wins)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (772391 pts.)
13rd Scorereset period of 2023:
- Terrier: Highest Rating  (1061)
05th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Warbird: Highest Rating  (1217)
03rd Scorereset period of 2023:
- Spider: Highest Rating  (1498)
26th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Leviathan: Highest Average  (216)
25th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Overall: Highest Rating  (3445)
- Terrier: Highest Rating  (702)
24th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (626172 pts.)
22nd Scorereset period of 2022:
- Terrier: Highest Rating  (792)
16th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (467534 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (676832 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Wins  (2389 wins)
15th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Overall: Highest Rating  (1482)
- Javelin: Highest Rating  (289)
14th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Overall: Highest Rating  (1389)
09th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Shark: Highest Rating  (250)
07th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (350493 pts.)
- Overall: Most Wins  (2610 wins)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (263607 pts.)
05th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Overall: Highest Rating  (1342)
02nd Scorereset period of 2022:
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (397352 pts.)
01st Scorereset period of 2022:
- Overall: Highest Rating  (1386)
24th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (425497 pts.)
- Overall: Most Totalpoints  (659980 pts.)
22nd Scorereset period of 2021:
- Overall: Highest Rating  (1414)
- Spider: Highest Average  (262)
07th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Warbird: Most Wins  (2691 wins)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (556099 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (374548 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Flagpoints  (181551 pts.)
05th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (467860 pts.)
- Overall: Most Totalpoints  (702024 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (509722 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (349181 pts.)
01st Scorereset period of 2021:
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (411409 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (345257 pts.)
25th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Warbird: Highest Rating  (440)
24th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Shark: Highest Average  (225)
23rd Scorereset period of 2020:
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (444177 pts.)
- Overall: Most Totalpoints  (643575 pts.)
22nd Scorereset period of 2020:
- Overall: Most Totalpoints  (629493 pts.)
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (420250 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (297796 pts.)
20th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (324292 pts.)
18th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (479594 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (329085 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Wins  (2413 wins)
- Lancaster: Highest Rating  (429)
17th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Warbird: Most Wins  (2815 wins)
- Warbird: Most Flagpoints  (158353 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (337843 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (496196 pts.)
16th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Overall: Highest Rating  (1311)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (480799 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (335512 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Wins  (2519 wins)
12nd Scorereset period of 2020:
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (276989 pts.)
04th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Warbird: Highest Rating  (437)
02nd Scorereset period of 2020:
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (334072 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (485795 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Wins  (2386 wins)
17th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (434119 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Wins  (2462 wins)
- Warbird: Most Flagpoints  (151782 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (328659 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (480441 pts.)
16th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Overall: Most Totalpoints  (767406 pts.)
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (511026 pts.)
- Overall: Most Wins  (3928 wins)
14th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Warbird: Most Wins  (2677 wins)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (364187 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (509661 pts.)
10th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Overall: Most Totalpoints  (793675 pts.)
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (544334 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (648207 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (453770 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Flagpoints  (194437 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Wins  (3537 wins)
04th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Warbird: Most Wins  (5728 wins)
- Warbird: Most Losses  (4172 losses)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (779969 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (1106322 pts.)
03rd Scorereset period of 2019:
- Warbird: Highest Rating  (419)
01st Scorereset period of 2019:
- Overall: Highest Rating  (1356)
25th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (436071 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Wins  (3011 wins)
- Warbird: Most Losses  (2309 losses)
- Warbird: Most Flagpoints  (161999 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (399012 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (561011 pts.)
24th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Warbird: Most Wins  (3396 wins)
- Warbird: Most Losses  (2844 losses)
- Warbird: Most Killpoints  (416690 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (595188 pts.)
17th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Warbird: Most Losses  (1904 losses)
11st Scorereset period of 2018:
- Warbird: Most Losses  (2066 losses)
04th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Warbird: Most Totalpoints  (490250 pts.)
- Warbird: Most Flagpoints  (182649 pts.)
Rank By: Rating Wins Losses Average Flag Points Kill Points Total Points Rank*
2768 764 556 310 129128 237048 366176 #5
2599 420 250 284 71047 133432 204479 #2
1625 118 116 256 27200 35403 62603 #12
1940 162 93 439 16281 50141 66422 #5
330 15 18 159 3400 3820 7220 #26
648 16 15 410 7800 7503 15303 #26
-1 0 1 0 600 0 600 #33
138 3 5 480 600 1440 2040 #44
388 30 57 128 2400 5309 7709 #25

* Overall rank (the first line displayed with no ship icon) shows this players rank between all other players overall stats. Other ranks are ship-specific and gives the rank of the player between all other players in that same ship only.
wildcard squad search *YPRunks* matches: no matches
wildcard player search *YPRunks* matches: YPRunks, YPRunks <ZH>

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