SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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Player/Squad Search:

squad search for: Cyclone
no matches

squad owner search for: Cyclone
yvr, the grail, perception, ossi, kilo, khrono, lenovo, Abell, Abram, ACP, adjutor, Adonai, Abell, Abram, ACP, Adonai, Abell, Abram, ACP, Adonai, appt, Arimathea, Arleen, Arri, Assn, Asti, ATO, axin, BCC, Bosc, cardo, carefull, CFD, chalice, Abell, Abram, Abell, Abram, ACP, Adonai, Arimathea, Arleen, Arri, Assn, Asti, ATO, BCC, Bosc, CFD, Christal, Christos, cyclos, Cynewulf, Abell, Abram, ACP, Adonai, Arimathea, Arleen, Arri, Assn, Asti, ATO, BCC, Bosc, Abell, Abram, ACP, Adonai, Arimathea, Arleen, Arri, Assn, Asti, ATO, Minton, Minton, rezone, Adonai, volution, lockman, Minton, rezone, Adonai, volution, lockman, Minton, rezone, Adonai, volution, lockman, Renner, Edom, cardo, ACP, ATO, BCC, CFD, CPD, Ivo, Neu, TTP, lictor, kwanza, hee, kronor, kroner, ory, Arimathea, Abell, kilo, Veronika, Abram, gulph, Here, seclorum, kingsman, Minton, Minton, Minton, rezone, volution, lockman

player search for: Cyclone
Squad: $ Cyclone
Online Status: OFFLINE
Created: Dec. 20, 2000 22:51 [SSC biller time]
Last Seen: Apr. 27, 2024 0:30 [CDT/CST]
Usage: 11063h 08m
Resolution: 1675x896
Location: Canada [GMT-7]
Achievements: 24th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Terrier: Highest Average  (254)
Rank By: Rating Wins Losses Average Flag Points Kill Points Total Points Rank*
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #

* Overall rank (the first line displayed with no ship icon) shows this players rank between all other players overall stats. Other ranks are ship-specific and gives the rank of the player between all other players in that same ship only.
wildcard squad search *Cyclone* matches: no matches
wildcard player search *Cyclone* matches: Cyclone, Cyclone <ZH>, Cyclone Wolf, Cyclone-X, CycloneD

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