SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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Public Statistics - Player Profile  
Scorereset Period:
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Squad: ThaBooty's A-ss
Online Status: OFFLINE
Created: May. 21, 2012 19:58 [SSC biller time]
Last Seen: May. 12, 2024 21:05 [CDT/CST]
Usage: 5530h 01m
Resolution: 1024x768
Location: Netherlands [GMT+2]
Achievements: 02nd Scorereset period of 2022:
- Weasel: Highest Rating  (178)
14th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Shark: Highest Rating  (272)
01st Scorereset period of 2021:
- Weasel: Highest Average  (223)
14th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (69309 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (34922 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (34387 pts.)
23rd Scorereset period of 2019:
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (28131 pts.)
09th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (118576 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (58307 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (60269 pts.)
05th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (63353 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (34746 pts.)
04th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Terrier: Highest Average  (275)
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (216070 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (108491 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (107579 pts.)
03rd Scorereset period of 2019:
- Weasel: Most Wins  (384 wins)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (45508 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (54615 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (100123 pts.)
02nd Scorereset period of 2019:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (90511 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (46936 pts.)
25th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (84703 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (40184 pts.)
18th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Terrier: Highest Rating  (350)
16th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Shark: Most Wins  (1096 wins)
- Shark: Most Losses  (1589 losses)
- Shark: Most Flagpoints  (102501 pts.)
- Shark: Most Killpoints  (130917 pts.)
- Shark: Most Totalpoints  (233418 pts.)
15th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Shark: Most Totalpoints  (149431 pts.)
12nd Scorereset period of 2018:
- Shark: Most Killpoints  (119109 pts.)
- Shark: Most Wins  (1081 wins)
10th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Shark: Most Flagpoints  (92515 pts.)
- Shark: Most Totalpoints  (214907 pts.)
01st Scorereset period of 2018:
- Terrier: Highest Average  (273)
26th Scorereset period of 2017:
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (59040 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (81153 pts.)
25th Scorereset period of 2017:
- Shark: Most Totalpoints  (127350 pts.)
- Shark: Most Killpoints  (68933 pts.)
23rd Scorereset period of 2017:
- Spider: Highest Average  (237)
- Shark: Most Losses  (1603 losses)
- Shark: Most Flagpoints  (118046 pts.)
11st Scorereset period of 2017:
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (22626 pts.)
08th Scorereset period of 2017:
- Terrier: Highest Average  (275)
03rd Scorereset period of 2017:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (198214 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (104014 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (94200 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Losses  (1072 losses)
- Weasel: Most Wins  (765 wins)
26th Scorereset period of 2016:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (93982 pts.)
25th Scorereset period of 2016:
- Weasel: Most Losses  (650 losses)
22nd Scorereset period of 2016:
- Shark: Highest Average  (234)
07th Scorereset period of 2016:
- Weasel: Highest Average  (239)
12nd Scorereset period of 2015:
- Spider: Highest Average  (279)
06th Scorereset period of 2015:
- Lancaster: Highest Average  (263)
23rd Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (64400 pts.)
22nd Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (138540 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (68200 pts.)
21st Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (192410 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (100800 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (91610 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Wins  (657 wins)
20th Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Wins  (518 wins)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (71600 pts.)
15th Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (288903 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (144703 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (144200 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Wins  (1028 wins)
14th Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (194773 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (98373 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (96400 pts.)
13rd Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (71767 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (138767 pts.)
11st Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (94600 pts.)
10th Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (204901 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (101400 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Losses  (1027 losses)
- Weasel: Most Wins  (764 wins)
06th Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (138800 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (148427 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (287227 pts.)
05th Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (220161 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (107161 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (113000 pts.)
04th Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (185076 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (88876 pts.)
01st Scorereset period of 2014:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (223823 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (115823 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (108000 pts.)
25th Scorereset period of 2013:
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (145800 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (258601 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (112801 pts.)
24th Scorereset period of 2013:
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (106467 pts.)
23rd Scorereset period of 2013:
- Weasel: Most Totalpoints  (213853 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Killpoints  (98453 pts.)
- Weasel: Most Flagpoints  (115400 pts.)
05th Scorereset period of 2013:
- Warbird: Highest Average  (296)
Rank By: Rating Wins Losses Average Flag Points Kill Points Total Points Rank*
104 11 18 111 2000 1227 3227 #561

* Overall rank (the first line displayed with no ship icon) shows this players rank between all other players overall stats. Other ranks are ship-specific and gives the rank of the player between all other players in that same ship only.
wildcard squad search *A-ss* matches: no matches
wildcard player search *A-ss* matches: A-ss, best a-ss

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