SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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Public Statistics - Player Profile  
Scorereset Period:
Player/Squad Search:

squad search for: Dad
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squad owner search for: Dad

player search for: Dad
Squad: Pandora Dad
Online Status: OFFLINE
Created: Nov. 6, 2001 14:12 [SSC biller time]
Last Seen: Mar. 30, 2024 23:32 [CDT/CST]
Usage: 1989h 47m
Resolution: 1920x1080
Location: United States [GMT-4]
Achievements: 26th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (943771 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (687294 pts.)
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (256477 pts.)
- Spider: Most Losses  (1357 losses)
- Spider: Most Wins  (1921 wins)
12nd Scorereset period of 2023:
- Terrier: Highest Average  (634)
12nd Scorereset period of 2022:
- Overall: Highest Rating  (1354)
10th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Spider: Most Wins  (1470 wins)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (171500 pts.)
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (235425 pts.)
08th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (210988 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (150867 pts.)
- Spider: Most Wins  (1096 wins)
06th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Spider: Most Wins  (1371 wins)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (198118 pts.)
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (82040 pts.)
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (280158 pts.)
03rd Scorereset period of 2022:
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (281900 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (193957 pts.)
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (87943 pts.)
- Spider: Most Wins  (1429 wins)
20th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Spider: Most Wins  (1971 wins)
- Spider: Most Losses  (1269 losses)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (272343 pts.)
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (121772 pts.)
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (394115 pts.)
18th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (463841 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (310482 pts.)
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (153359 pts.)
- Spider: Most Losses  (1888 losses)
- Spider: Most Wins  (2317 wins)
17th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Overall: Most Wins  (4208 wins)
- Overall: Most Totalpoints  (781297 pts.)
- Overall: Most Killpoints  (539550 pts.)
- Spider: Most Losses  (2907 losses)
- Spider: Most Wins  (4001 wins)
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (221636 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (515654 pts.)
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (737290 pts.)
16th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Spider: Most Wins  (3506 wins)
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (219448 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (484229 pts.)
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (703677 pts.)
15th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Javelin: Highest Average  (229)
- Spider: Most Wins  (2538 wins)
- Spider: Most Losses  (1898 losses)
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (155359 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (324818 pts.)
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (480177 pts.)
06th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (327037 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (216376 pts.)
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (110661 pts.)
- Spider: Most Wins  (1701 wins)
05th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (198592 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (360938 pts.)
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (559530 pts.)
10th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Spider: Most Flagpoints  (73659 pts.)
09th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Spider: Most Totalpoints  (174132 pts.)
- Spider: Most Killpoints  (112023 pts.)
- Spider: Most Wins  (1000 wins)
Rank By: Rating Wins Losses Average Flag Points Kill Points Total Points Rank*


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wildcard squad search *Dad* matches: Sociedad, Mac Daddy, !Dads!, DadK0 squad, GruveDaddy, DaDDY, CanadaDefenders, GrandDaddy

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