SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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Public Statistics - Player Profile  
Scorereset Period:
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Squad: PigOps halfsleeve
Online Status: OFFLINE
Created: Mar. 8, 2009 18:03 [SSC biller time]
Last Seen: May. 8, 2024 5:15 [CDT/CST]
Usage: 4829h 54m
Resolution: 1366x768
Location: Canada [GMT-7]
Achievements: 08th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1245046 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (758354 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (486692 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Losses  (2636 losses)
- Shark: Highest Rating  (851)
07th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (720649 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2426 wins)
- Javelin: Most Losses  (2235 losses)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (431395 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1152044 pts.)
06th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Javelin: Most Wins  (3088 wins)
- Javelin: Most Losses  (2742 losses)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (887744 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1398001 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (510257 pts.)
05th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2461 wins)
- Javelin: Most Losses  (2171 losses)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (415987 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (752774 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1168761 pts.)
- Shark: Most Wins  (1248 wins)
03rd Scorereset period of 2024:
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (302476 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (525840 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (1709 wins)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (828316 pts.)
- Shark: Most Wins  (2214 wins)
- Shark: Most Killpoints  (580670 pts.)
- Shark: Most Totalpoints  (941550 pts.)
02nd Scorereset period of 2024:
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2202 wins)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (723328 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1092285 pts.)
01st Scorereset period of 2024:
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1089751 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (675452 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (414299 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2140 wins)
26th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Losses  (2378 losses)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2601 wins)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (445570 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (763659 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1209229 pts.)
23rd Scorereset period of 2023:
- Shark: Highest Rating  (640)
22nd Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (738010 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (479696 pts.)
21st Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2427 wins)
- Javelin: Most Losses  (2127 losses)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (375375 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (713605 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1088980 pts.)
20th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1031390 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (629250 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (402140 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2023 wins)
19th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (679150 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (274470 pts.)
18th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Wins  (4204 wins)
- Javelin: Most Losses  (3926 losses)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (661902 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (1175196 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1837098 pts.)
17th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Losses  (2252 losses)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2688 wins)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (434771 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (796235 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1231006 pts.)
16th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1415893 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (906004 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (509889 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Losses  (3140 losses)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (3327 wins)
14th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (633401 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1012166 pts.)
13rd Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1248006 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (778270 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (469736 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Losses  (2237 losses)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2673 wins)
10th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Highest Rating  (846)
06th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1204450 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (742126 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Flagpoints  (462324 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Losses  (2586 losses)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2744 wins)
05th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (635884 pts.)
22nd Scorereset period of 2022:
- Javelin: Most Totalpoints  (1272024 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Killpoints  (832843 pts.)
- Javelin: Most Wins  (2860 wins)
16th Scorereset period of 2009:
- Leviathan: Most Wins  (4168 wins)
- Leviathan: Most Flagpoints  (180200 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Killpoints  (360828 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (541028 pts.)
15th Scorereset period of 2009:
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (478582 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Killpoints  (312782 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Flagpoints  (165800 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Losses  (1248 losses)
- Leviathan: Most Wins  (3377 wins)
14th Scorereset period of 2009:
- Leviathan: Most Wins  (3674 wins)
- Leviathan: Most Flagpoints  (121400 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Killpoints  (330707 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (452107 pts.)
13rd Scorereset period of 2009:
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (466663 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Killpoints  (316663 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Wins  (3235 wins)
Rank By: Rating Wins Losses Average Flag Points Kill Points Total Points Rank*
2592 1857 1942 273 305385 508059 813444 #32
2538 1721 1658 0 272346 461467 733813 #6
1196 35 48 461 7800 16271 24071 #56
-1 0 1 0 0 0 0 #127
1442 101 234 0 26290 30321 56611 #14

* Overall rank (the first line displayed with no ship icon) shows this players rank between all other players overall stats. Other ranks are ship-specific and gives the rank of the player between all other players in that same ship only.
wildcard squad search *halfsleeve* matches: no matches
wildcard player search *halfsleeve* matches: halfsleeve, halfsleeve2, halfsleeve3

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