SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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XtremeDB and WarpWars!  [ Dec 12, 2013 ]

Howdy there Trenchers! We've got quite the weekend coming up for you! Here's how it's gonna go down:

First up is the immaculate XtremeDB! In this exciting event, one player is a warbird, trrapped in the center of a box, while everyone else plays as sharks. The catch is, is no normal WB! This thing's got thors, and a lot of them! To make it more intense, if a shark dies, they join the shooter! This should be a true test of repping and dodging skills! Be sure to ?go XtremeDB at 8pm EST on Saturday, Decemeber 14!

Our Sunday event will be an equally intense match of WarpWars! This event works just like a regular deathmatch, except for one big change: everyone has portals! Just as you're about to kill your enemy, they may warp far away or worse, directly behing you! It should be a blast, you won't want to miss this! Type ?go WARPWARS on Sunday, December 15 at 3:30pm EST

If either event gets enough players, there may be a pubbux incentive kicked in! Make sure to come for your chance to win!
And finally, if you have any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions/funny jokes, don't hesitate to contact me (WillBy) and I'll get back to you ASAP!
We hope to see you there!!

by WillBy


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TWDT Season 22 winners!

TWDTD: Pure Luck
TWDTJ: Prayer
TWDTB: Lifeban
 2.iron survivor1204
1. vys 619 17 18
2. Flame 588 71 129
3. pawner 576 65 132
 Base ElimRatingWinsGames
1. Kim 770 50 75
2. crazy canockout 686 22 32
3. Delos 654 28 61