SSCU Trench Wars

Extreme League Season 13

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  Trench Wars Extreme :: News
TWEL Season 13 - Qualifying | Jun 19, 2021
Qualifying for TWEL Season 13 has already begun! The TWEL ladder
has been reset and the you have until Sunday, July 18th at 11:59 PM
EST to qualify.

This will be the first 1v1 TWEL since 2016 so it's time to crown
some new champions!

More info here.

TWEL Head Op - beam
TWEL Ops - Dwopple & Tiny

Ladders have been reset | Nov 29, 2016
The ladders have been reset following the conclusion of the latest season of TWEL. Playoffs are currently TBD. Good luck to everyone who participates in qualifying for the next Playoff season!

TWEL Season 12 Champions | Nov 29, 2016
Congratulations to RaCka for winning Season 12 of TWEL-D and Ease for being the first to win multiple leagues in TWEL-S and TWEL-J!

Big thanks to everyone who participated in qualifying and also the playoffs.

Here's the top 5 of each league:


1. RaCka
2. Ricko
3. Iron Survivor
4. Mythril
5. Best


1. Ease
2. Turban
3. 24
4. Fork
5. Tiny


1. Ease
2. Turban
3. Stayon
4. Mythril
5. Vys

TWEL Season 12 Has Begun | Jun 08, 2016
A big congratulations to the winners and reigning champions from last year's season 11:

LaSenza (TWEL-D)
Tiny (TWEL-J)
Ease (TWEL-S)
Shock Therapy (TWEL-L)

We're now moving on to season 12. The structure of the league remains the same. Play enough duels and climb high enough on the ladder to qualify for the TWEL Playoff Brackets by July, 17th at 11:59 PM EST to compete for the Championship and Cash Prize Awards.

To qualify for the Playoffs:

TWEL-D - Play 15 duels in Warbird, be in the top 32
TWEL-J - Play 15 duels in Javelin, be in the top 32
TWEL-S - Play 7 duels in Spider, be in the top 16
TWEL-L Play 3 duels in Lancaster, be in the top 16

Visit the forums for more information or PM/message myself or Heaven for more information. Good luck to all who participate!

Dueling Top Five

Rank Name R P W L K-D
1     iron survivor  1225 124 87 37 1093-852
2     racka  1217 22 18 4 206-119
3     mythril  1147 11 9 2 85-55
4     best  1127 21 14 7 172-134
5     props  1123 29 23 6 260-170

Javelin Top Five

Rank Name R P W L K-D
1     kim  1197 30 26 4 231-133
2     amnesti  1142 9 8 1 33-24
3     madara  1130 7 6 1 71-50
4     Luidae  1107 5 5 0 50-22
5     gd  1102 11 7 4 100-75

Spider Top Five

Rank Name R P W L K-D
1     l-a-s-e-r  1107 7 6 1 63-23
2     bombed  1056 3 3 0 20-8
3     vys  1053 2 2 0 20-10
4     dare  1040 4 3 1 38-18
5     dynamix  1025 1 1 0 10-5

Lancaster Top Five

Rank Name R P W L K-D
1     jurassic  1046 2 2 0 19-17
2     tripin  1025 1 1 0 10-4
3     draft  1025 1 1 0 10-0
4     ferris-bueller  1012 1 1 0 5-1
5     iron survivor  975 1 0 1 4-10